One of the toughest jobs a real estate broker has is helping their selling clients price their homes right. So how important is it to price your home right? As a seller, is it ok to just say, “…hey, we will just start at this number and we can always come down…” Are there any adverse consequences to this?

I’ve heard this statement from owners of Palos Verdes homes and Beach Cities real estate for years. It’s probably the first thing homeowners say after I present my analysis and ask them, based on the competitive sales, what they want to list for. Almost always, folks aim too high and want way more for their property than what the market will accept. Truth be told, I would too were I selling. Being a real estate broker of over 43 years doesn’t make me immune from … let’s face it … the word is GREED!

So what’s the real cost of over pricing your house? Is there even a cost? YOU BET THERE IS! Take a look at this video and you will see exactly what I’m talking about!

To get an instant estimate of what today’s buyers might pay for your home, use this link. You will also receive a report on how many buyers are actually now searching for a home matching your home’s characteristics. You won’t find that anywhere else. Find out more about this program; play the short video on this site