The video above was recorded slightly before Christmas 2021. The inventory problem is just as bad if not worse as there continues to strong demand and not enough supply. Play the video, continuing reading below. As of 4/7/2022, the inventory situation described when this video was taken is worse. Demand is as high if not higher than ever. Supply is lower than ever.

There's definitely an inventory problem for Palos Verdes homes for sale. Simply put, there isn't enough inventory to satisfy demand. In fact this week, a couple of homes, at least, experience over 20 offers EACH! So are there solutions to the supply problem for Palos Verdes homes?

If you're looking to buy a home, you know what the problem is. Multiple offers, you get bid out, you can't get to the property in time to even make a bid and the list goes on. I've come up with a proprietary strategy to uncover off-market properties; homes owned by folks that are looking to sell and are willing to have their home seen and considered even before it goes to market. Want to learn more about it? Use the “Contact Us” link at the top right of this page and let’s discuss how to get you more options

Think about your friends, colleagues, people at work or in organizations you belong to who have shared with you the problems they've had finding a home. Share this blog post with them and encourage them to contact me. The best way to reach me is to use the "Contact us" tab at the top right of this page

Here are the charts I promised in the video. In order, they demonstrate the

I've enjoyed diving into the latest numbers with clients through Zoom. More importantly the feedback I get from clients is that they get a lot out of interacting on a Zoom call to understand the numbers and the trends. I want you to have this same benefit too. So if you're on my blog post reading this, at the bottom of the page, see the blue "Calendly" button? Click that and book a time for your private call.

Thanks for watching; thanks for reading! Oh, one last thing, if you're considering selling your house and want to explore:

  • How many buyers there are in the market right now searching for a home like yours OR

  • Want to get some estimate of what a buyer might pay for your home (without you being obligated to any agent)